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How 1-Spine Chiropractic Eliminates Back Pain Lubbock, TX

By June 20, 2023February 2nd, 2024No Comments4 min read

How 1 Spine Chiropractic Helps Eliminate Low Back Pain | Chiropractor in Lubbock, TX

At 1-Spine Chiropractic we eliminate lower back pain.

Comprehensive Health Consultation

The way we do that is we do a thorough, comprehensive exam and consultation in one point in history. We do that because we want to know where this pain started, how long it’s been going on, and find the root cause of that. One of the complaints we hear most about from our patients is my previous doctor, my primary care doctor, they didn’t listen to me. And all he did was increase my medication or increase the dosage, he never got to the root cause of the problem and just kept treating the symptoms.

Focused Health Examinations

So another thing we do here at 1-Spine is we do specific examinations which consists of chiropractic examinations, orthopedic examinations and neurological examinations to find some answers of where that problem is coming from. Once we find where that problems coming from, if there’s something that we find and don’t like from the examinations, we’re probably going to go ahead and take a digital X ray here in office. These digital X rays will give us definitive data and images to see exactly where that problems come from, how far that problem has advanced, and see what treatment options would be best for you here.

Chiropractic Adjustments for Specific Needs

So what we do here at 1-Spine Chiropractic is we do specific chiropractic adjustments. These chiropractic adjustments, get the bone back in place, taking pressure off of the nerve to get you the relief you need. Besides the chiropractic adjustment, we specialize in a program called the “Move Now” program. That Move Now program allows us to do a thorough evaluation on your body mechanics and how your body’s functioning. And once we find out what’s not functioning and what’s lacking we have a doctor and our specialists go over exams and plans and exercises get you feeling better. Most importantly, we get things stable here in office, but also so you can take it home with you to get some relief as well.

Spinal Decompression & Laser Therapy

But the main thing we do here at 1-Spine Chiropractic is spinal decompression. We specialize in spinal decompression here at our office, and that’s a machine that we use to slowly get that vertebra moving properly and to get that disc rehydrated. Getting that disc rehydrated, gets rid of the pain and inflammation that’s radiating the pain down the leg, in case you have some sciatic symptoms. We see a lot of conditions for spinal disc issues and get great results here. Now for the treatment option of deep tissue laser, we have two different types of lasers, a cold laser and a hot laser. They work great with spinal conditions. I prefer using the cool laser for acute conditions, like where we have a recent disc or lower back injury. Our class four laser which is the more powerful is great for deep, chronic issues, that have been going on for longer than three months or so. Typically, we do that over muscles or over Facets, which are joints in the spine to get some great relief for that.

If you think we could help you with your spine issues, please visit our website. Thank you!

1-Spine Chiropractic

You have one spine, one body and one life. You need to make the most of what you’ve got! You only have one chance to live the life you want. We all suffer daily wear and tear on our bodies, but we have a choice when it comes to how we recover from the stress that life throws at us. You don’t need to rely on drugs or surgery to feel better and live fully. Chiropractic is a nonsurgical, drug-free way to find relief from pain and help your body heal itself.

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