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Plantar Fasciitis Treatment Near Me in Lubbock, TX. Chiropractor For Plantar Fasciitis.

Plantar Fasciitis Treatment in Lubbock, TX

On average, you take 8,000 steps every day. That’s thousands of micro-impacts your feet must absorb. Repetitive stress and inflammation tear the plantar fascia, a band of tissue that connects the heels to the toes and supports the arch of the foot. It can be a debilitating problem that leads to a loss of quality of life. This condition, causing severe pain and making it difficult to walk and stand, is known as plantar fasciitis.

The most common symptom is a sharp or stabbing pain in the bottom of the heel. The pain is typically worse in the morning when taking the first steps after waking up or after prolonged periods of rest. Some individuals may experience pain in the arch of the foot, accompanied by stiffness or aching. While the pain can often improve with movement, prolonged walking, standing, or exercise can also worsen the condition.

Plantar fasciitis can lead to foot, knee, hip, or back problems if left untreated, as the body compensates for the pain. However, chiropractic care and soft tissue work can relieve pain and address the underlying cause of the discomfort. An estimated 75% of people deal with foot pain in the United States, and chiropractic care gets excellent results with soft tissue work.

$59 New Patient Plantar Fasciitis Consultation

This thorough assessment includes a consultation, examination, and one set of X-rays, if needed.

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How Our Plantar Fasciitis Care Plan Works

Get Out Of Pain

We pride ourselves on getting to the root cause of the issue to get you out of pain and keep you that way.  Each chiropractor takes their time to really listen to and address each of your concerns.

Corrective Care

Structural problems demand structural solutions.  Our care is designed to address the spinal misalignments and postural distortions that are causing your symptoms for long-term pain relief.

Find Stability

We aren’t interested in masking your symptoms.  We’re committed to long-term well-being so you can take control of your life and be prepared for anything that comes your way.

How We Treat Plantar Fasciitis in Lubbock, TX

We take a comprehensive approach to treating a plantar fasciitis. This utilizes different steps and techniques to address your plantar fasciitis symptoms as it is unique to you and your total health.

Comprehensive Consultation and Exam

A comprehensive consultation and exam will help us create the most effective pain relief treatment. We will ask about your symptoms and how long you have been experiencing them. We will also ask about your medical history and any previous treatments you have tried.

After the consultation, we will perform a thorough physical exam. We will palpate the affected area and check for any tenderness or swelling. We may also order X-rays or imaging tests to rule out other conditions causing pain. Once we have a diagnosis, we will develop a treatment plan tailored to your needs. Treatment aims to reduce pain and inflammation, promote healing, and prevent a recurrence.

Specific Chiropractic Care In Lubbock, TX

Chiropractic care is a natural approach to plantar fasciitis relief. It addresses the musculoskeletal imbalances and dysfunctions that contribute to the condition. Chiropractors may gently adjust the foot and ankle joints to restore proper alignment and mobility. By improving joint function, chiropractic adjustments can help reduce tension on the plantar fascia and alleviate pain.

A gait analysis assesses how you walk and identifies any abnormal foot mechanics contributing to plantar fasciitis. We may recommend custom orthotic inserts to provide better arch support and reduce stress on the plantar fascia during walking and other weight-bearing activities.

Posture is a critical element of health, even the health of your feet. We are very focused on posture and offer guidance on maintaining proper posture and body mechanics to prevent excessive strain on the feet and ankles.

Custom Therapeutic Exercise Plan

Once diagnosed with plantar fasciitis, a chiropractor will develop a custom therapeutic exercise plan. This plan will include specific stretches and exercises to improve the flexibility and strength of your Achilles tendon and calf muscles. It may also include exercises to strengthen your feet and leg muscles. Strengthening the muscles in the lower leg provides better support for the plantar fascia and reduces tissue strain

Plantar Fasciitis Treatment Chiropractor in Lubbock, TX Near Me Therapeutic Exercises

Soft Tissue Work

When you first come in to see us about your foot pain, we will assess your foot and ankle range of motion. We will also evaluate any tenderness or tightness in the muscles, tendons, or ligaments around your foot and ankle. Based on our assessment, we may recommend some soft tissue work to help improve the flexibility and range of motion in your foot and ankle.

Soft tissue work can include myofascial release, trigger point therapy, and massage to loosen tight muscles and promote blood flow to the area. These therapies can help to reduce inflammation and pain and improve the range of motion in the affected area.

Plantar Fasciitis Treatment Chiropractor in Lubbock, TX Near Me Soft Tissue Exercises

Deep Tissue Laser

Deep tissue laser therapy is a type of low-level laser therapy using light to stimulate healing at the cellular level. When it comes to plantar fasciitis, laser therapy can help to reduce inflammation and pain. The treatment works by delivering pulses of light energy to the affected area. This energy helps to reduce inflammation and promote healing.

Laser therapy is a safe and effective treatment for plantar fasciitis. There are no known side effects associated with the use of low-level lasers. And because the treatment is non-invasive, there’s no need for recovery time afterward.


Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese practice that involves inserting thin needles into the skin at strategic points on the body. It stimulates the body’s natural healing process and helps to relieve pain. It is often used as a complementary treatment for other conditions such as headaches, back pain, and carpal tunnel syndrome.

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Who Plantar Fasciitis affects in Lubbock, TX

There are several ways to experience plantar fasciitis. Knowing the potential causes may help you to reduce your risk.


Athletes are not the only ones who can develop plantar fasciitis. Anybody who spends long periods on their feet can be susceptible to this condition, including people who stand for long hours at work, such as factory workers or salespeople. It also includes people constantly on the go, such as waiters or taxi drivers. And it can even affect relatively sedentary people who still put a lot of stress on their feet, such as pregnant women or obese individuals.

Plantar Fasciitis Treatment Chiropractor in Lubbock, TX Near Me Treatment for Runners

Obese Individuals

Plantar fasciitis can affect anyone, but it is more common in certain groups of people. One group is more likely to experience plantar fasciitis in obese individuals. The added weight puts extra strain on the feet, which can lead to plantar fasciitis.

Pregnant Women

Pregnant women are at an increased risk of developing plantar fasciitis due to the weight and stress on the feet and ankles. The hormones released during pregnancy can also lead to joint and muscle pain, contributing to plantar fasciitis.

Certain Occupations

A few occupations stand out when it comes to those most likely to cause or exacerbate plantar fasciitis. Firstly, any job involving a lot of standing or walking will put extra strain on the plantar fascia and can develop the condition, including retail work, teaching, and catering. Secondly, any occupation requiring regular heavy lifting can also strain the plantar fascia and potentially lead to heel pain, including construction work, warehouse work, and others. Finally, any job involving repetitive motions can also contribute to the development of plantar fascia, including factory work, office work where you’re typing a lot, or similar.

People with Certain Foot Structures

Certain foot structures make a person more susceptible to plantar fasciitis. The condition is more common in people with high arches or flat feet. An ankle injury can also cause this condition if it rolls inward or outward. People who spend much time on their feet are also at increased risk. This includes people who stand for long periods, walk, or run a lot.

Check Out Our Locations Near You

5214 75th Street, Lubbock, TX 79424

801 Avenue F, Levelland, TX 79336

Frequently Asked Questions

Can chiropractors in Lubbock, TX, help plantar fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis affects the foot and can cause pain in the heel or arch area. The plantar fascia is a band of tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot, from the heel to the toes. Chiropractors can help treat plantar fasciitis through natural, non-invasive chiropractic adjustments, custom exercises and stretches, and soft tissue work. Our goal is to relieve pain at its source and improve mobility.

What exercise can you do when you have plantar fasciitis?

Calf stretches and heel raises work well to alleviate pain and improve mobility. Toe raises will help stretch the plantar fascia. Roll a tennis ball under your foot, massaging the fascia and breaking up knots or trigger points. It would help to avoid high-impact activities that jar or jolt your feet, as this can aggravate the pain.

How do I permanently get rid of plantar fasciitis?

An accurate diagnosis and treatment plan are essential if you’re looking for ways to get rid of plantar fasciitis permanently. Once you know the underlying cause, you can take steps to reduce the inflammation and pain. Our goal is not to mask pain symptoms with temporary relief but to correct the root cause of the problem to prevent it from returning.

Is a foot massage good for plantar fasciitis?

Massage increases blood flow to the affected area, reducing inflammation and pain. Massaging the muscles and tissues in your feet can help release tension and tightness, further reducing the pain. Ultimately, massage is not a permanent solution but a fantastic complement to chiropractic care.

What aggravates plantar fasciitis?

Several things can aggravate plantar fasciitis, including:

  • Obesity
  • Tight calf muscles
  • High heels
  • Flat feet
  • Overpronation
  • Long periods of standing or walking
  • Sudden changes in activity level

These factors can contribute to plantar fasciitis development or worsen the condition. If you have any risk factors, it’s crucial to reduce your risk by stretching your calf muscles and wearing supportive shoes.

Is it bad to walk with plantar fasciitis?

If you have mild heel pain, walking may help to stretch out your fascia and relieve pain. However, walking can aggravate your condition and cause even more pain if you have severe plantar fasciitis.

Do cortisone shots help with plantar fasciitis?

Cortisone shots can be used to reduce inflammation and pain associated with plantar fasciitis, as they can help to reduce inflammation and pain. However, we prefer the natural, non-invasive approach of chiropractic care to address the root cause of the issue and provide long-term relief while optimizing the body’s nervous and immune systems.

$59 New Patient Plantar Fasciits Health Screening

This thorough assessment includes a consultation, examination, and one set of X-rays, if needed.

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